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ISSN 1559-2677 | July 15, 2012 | Volume 9, Issue 28

Hi there,

I'm happily writing you from my spot on the dock, enjoying yet another glorious morning. We're so grateful for all the sun and warmth this summer - and are enjoying every second of it! :-)

Big happenings here - Jack swam for the first time without his life jacket - woohoo! And Chloe's now running and jumping off the dock AND she swam out to the island and back with us but without her life jacket (she can swim great, but Mommy usually makes her wear her life jacket that far and deep out). These are big milestones for them and I'm so grateful that James and my parents were here to witness them... this is what it's all about, the meaningful moments of life that matter.

Chloe jumping off the dock ~
that's our girl!

OBBW 2012 News...

We are down to the last 7 seats for my annual Online Business Breakthrough Workshop coming up this September 12-14 in beautiful seaside Portsmouth, New Hampshire. We have a ton of new readers these last few weeks so if that's you, then I invite you to check it out right away - I'm holding the lowest ticket price for you for just a few more days... ;-)

Click here to find out all the details and reserve your seat TODAY

There are three main themes of OBBW - Foundation, Flow, and Freedom. Part of creating Freedom is holding firm boundaries in both your business and your life. Today's article addresses a common issue that comes up around money and payments in your business.


Cheers to your success,

Alicia M Forest, MBA
The Business Shifter™

PS: Welcome new readers! I'm delighted you're now a member of our fast-growing community of entrepreneurs who want to know exactly how to design a successful and sustainable business around their life ... :-)

Alicia Forest

Don't Let a Client's Money Drama Become Yours
by Alicia M Forest, MBA 
The Business Shifter™

One of the ways I see entrepreneurs staying small (and frustrated) is by not being serious enough about how they manage their receivables in their business. Receivables is simply money that is owed to you.

For example, there isn't a business owner I know who hasn't had at least one client's payments become an issue, so if this hasn't happened to you yet, know it most likely will. However, if you have certain things in place, it will be a lot easier for you to handle these situations, gracefully and respectfully.

So, let's take a deeper look at that most common scenario: a client is late with their payment. When you address this with them, they tell you their situation and while you can and should listen with compassion, it's imperative that you not take on the problems that they're having and make them your own. That doesn't serve either of you.

While we all can have money issues from time to time, if the client takes no responsibility for it - and yes, even when it seems it's completely out of their control - then they're coming from a victim mentality. But you can't let them make you a victim of their situation as well.

First and foremost, ALWAYS listen to your intuition when signing on a client. You'll only make the mistake once of not doing so before you regret it and realize taking them on didn't serve either of you.

But there are also times when this situation comes up with a great client too. While the money situation is still theirs, for you, it's a boundary issue. And it's an opportunity to tighten your parameters and policies too.

We need to remember that we are running a business and as a serious business owner, we are entitled to monies owed to us. It's why having clearly written and signed agreements and a written policies page are so important.

So while it's the client's responsibility to pay what's owed, it's your responsibility to collect what's owed. This can and should be handled gracefully and respectfully. And it's as easy as staying detached from their story and creating a plan to handle the situation.

If you commiserate, let the payment slide, and/or don't make a plan on how it will be handled, not only will you start to feel resentful, but you're also enabling the client to continue this disempowering behavior.

This is a perfect opportunity for you to step more fully into being a powerful model and mentor for them. When you're talking with your client, tell them that you understand that this is a difficult situation for them, and then ask them what they are going to do to resolve it as soon as possible.

I know it feels easier to avoid conflict and commiserate with the client, but I have found that if you do that, the situation just keeps happening until you no longer put up with it. When you're firm on your boundaries, you respect yourself and your business enough so you attract more and more ideal clients who are a joy to work with. I know this to be true.

I'd love to know how thsi resonates with you. Click here to come on over to my blog and share your thoughts with me there...

At my annual Online Business Breakthrough Workshop, we spend the a good portion of Day 3 working on your MONEY - from your blocks and beliefs, to improving your conversions, to enrolling clients (without doing free sessions), to pricing, to increasing your fees and much more.

Just 7 seats left! Get your ticket right now for the lowest price available here...


Online Business Breakthrough Workshop: Your Blueprint to a 6-Figure Freedom-Based Business

Join acclaimed entrepreneur mentor Alicia Forest for an intimate workshop experience this fall to design or re-design your successful and sustainable business around your life and the things that are the most important to you. [keep reading]


Go back in time with me?

As I enjoyed celebrating our freedom here at the lake yesterday, surrounded by family and friends, laughing and reminiscing together, in my mind, I went back in time for a moment…[keep reading]


How to Overcome the 4 Most Common Struggles of Every Entrepreneur

While the message and the market of your business may be different, there are some stumbling blocks that seem to pop up for even the seasoned entrepreneur. This article shares four of the ones that I frequently coached on with my private clients. [keep reading]



Alicia Forest, MBA, has devoted over a decade of her professional life to achieving excellence in entrepreneurship. She now brings her years of hands-on experience to help struggling online business owners breakthrough their blocks to turn their businesses into 6-figure mini-empires.

With her signature spirited style, youthful energy and exceptional skills as a catalyst and educator, Alicia Forest is without question the go-to girl for guidance for online business owners.

Since 2001, Alicia regularly meets with clients from around the world to educate and inspire them to marry money and meaning in their business. Many of those clients create 6-figure incomes as a direct result of working privately with Alicia.

In 2006, Alicia authored her bestselling 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System™. This comprehensive tutorial walks small business owners and entrepreneurs through the process of building a successful and sustainable business online that's guaranteed to bring them to a 6-figure income in half the time they could on their own.

Alicia's first print book, 6 Simple Steps to 6 Figures for the Solo Service Professional: How to Create Your Lifestyle Business Based on Your Passion for Serving Others, will be available in 2012.

You can learn more about Alicia and her courses, programs and products at her website, AliciaForest.com

Alicia M Forest/AliciaForest.com
Customer Service: 845-476-8332 I support@aliciaforest.com

© 2012 Alicia Forest | All rights reserved.